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Girls Vs Gangster 2017 Torrent


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Girls Vs Gangster 2017

The girl Vs GangsterXiwen has engaged her girlfriend her girls to take him on a hen party to Vietnam, where one of the girls, Xiaomei, immitated the film. The rest of the group, which includes the best friends Xiwen Marilyn and Alan along with his younger brother Jingjing. Private party villa in Vietnam, small things like wild shell party girls hard. Next day the girls were against the shore. Xiwen has a strange tattoo on his neck and Jingjingang ipatikani.WanajikutaIt is driven by a local group later. With the help of various old boxing types, the girls are trying to find out what happened to Jingjing and save collaborate Xiwen.

Languages: tangerine

Classification: NA

Release date: August 3, 2017

Genre: comedy / drama

Time: not available

Distributor: Mega Films Distribution Sdn Bhd

Fiona Sit, Ivy Chen Ning Chang, Mike Tyson

Directed by: Barbara Wong

Brand: 2D