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The Sims 4

Sims back to your fourth intsallment again the chance to have your dream home and watch to make a virtual avatar development. After several years on the ledge for the continuation of work in front of 3 whether to handle this last installment with a resurgence of interest in the series?

Package Sims, offline content

The Sims 4 is not trying to revolutionize the concept of the series. Nevertheless, I hope that some new features are compared to other games vseriiuntuk see. Shocking, obviousThat done with the new version of Electronic Arts Instead, I hatwas expected: instead of the new content publishers add, decided to light up the game by removing a large number of functions.

There is no pool, no children, you can not see their Sims workspace, the list is too long, and the conclusion is clear: Electronic Arts has, it seems, has given itself enough space with future features Adding DLC ​​that has udalenyIz games. I think it isIs a bad approach because it is sold “full” games already at full price.

However, this game offers endless criticism New actions that can do your Sims in Town or at home. The various items you’ve bought are great and original, as well as the various tours you can go on. It’s a shame, but that you now screen early when you get between your Sims and the parties, moved around while The Sims 3 offers an open world where the action is constant. NewsThe good thing is that there is a new community portal that will allow you (characters and models) to share your creations on the Internet.

Great interface and artificial intelligence

As for gameplay and accessibility, The Sims 4 has improved significantly in its predecessor. Despite the presence of a big book that those who are already familiar with this series can irritate it better control of the game.

New Character Creator is very good: you can easily getSim your dreams, just drag the mouse pointer on the part of the body you want to change. When it comes to creating adjustments or homes, the elements are now organizational in a clear way to different rooms of the house.

How sims behave, it is also the subject of much attention. With your much needed system Characters are now boleeAvtonomny processed and smart, take care of themselves, automatically perform tasks that meet their needs. This way, you can concentrateOn the most important points and to develop their Sims talents through various action games.

Please note, however, that the camera control is uncomfortable and impractical. To move the three-dimensional unmöglichin, and that is a huge disappointment for the game, resulting from the experience of three-episode episode benefits.

This is not surprising, but very well optimized

Years after The Sims 3, many of these charts erwartetein upgrades to this new edition. Unfortunately, the difference betweenThe Sims 3 and The Sims 4 are clearly not as clear as they should be. Despite the addition of some nice graphics effects, the viewing of this new version is already an interesting graphic of datiert.Das publication date is a shame if this loss has an advantage in that the moschnymikompyutery game is compatible with less.

In order not to be disturbed from the technical aspects of the new Sim, the height of face details is definitely improving. Home improvement is an animated großerdie number available and now they can go throughVarious emotions. So you can experience many funny situations that are a good way to help introduce Sims life in general.

Full idea with a bit too much DLC

DieSims 4 -nepobedimyyuspeh. Developers seem to have worked in the interface; Sims character creator and build mode is a gem of simplicity and has great potential. With the much needed repair of the system and better automating the Sims now have your freedom to experience that gamingbetter.

Unfortunately, the game suffers from a shortage that is not easy to miss, especially for longtime fans of the series. In addition to the undeniable technicalDisadvantages, the number of games lishenaBolshoe content versus Sims 3, which in a series of very long paid content downloads in the near future. This is a terrible move by Electronic Arts who want to reconsider their policies in the coming years if they want to avoid alienation from many of their fans.