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The Solus Project crack incl

System requirements:


Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit and higher

Processor: Dual-Core 2GHz +

Memory: 4 GB of RAM

Graphics: DirectX 10 compatible card with 3D – minimum GeForce 460 or equivalent – not integrated graphics (AMD) is doing well and has not been proven. AMD integratedgraphics for use with the game should lead to DirectX 10 compatibility mode.

DirectX version 10

Storage: 11 GB of free space

Sound Card: any card gidnavsVindovs


Operating System: Vindovs7 64-bit and higher

Processor: Dual Core2GHz +

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics:3D card compatible with DirectX Recommended 11 – GeForce 760 or equivalent and higher

DirectX version 11

Storage: 11 GB of free space

Sound Card: Each card is compatible with Windows