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X-Files is a Peabody, Golden Globe and Emmy-winning American science fiction series created by Chris Carter, which aired on September 10, 1993 and ended on 19 2002 Run for 9 seasons of the hit series on Fox broadcasting company, and its principalpersonaxes and slogans ( “the truth is zaminuvanjePostojat”, “Do not trust anyone,” “I want to believe”) became stones pop culture test. X-Files is seen as a defining series of the 1990s, coinciding with widespread disbeliefepohiuradav that interest in conspiracy theories and spirituality, and the belief in the existence of vonzemskizhivot. TV Guide called X-Files as the cult series of TV and the best television 37 of all time. In 2007, Time magazine included him in the list of “100 best TV shows of all time.” In 2008, Entertainment Weekly called classic Sci-Fiand fourth best TV shows in the last 25 godini.Ova long drama FOX lasted nine seasons, and focused on the exploits ofFBRFoks Agent Mulder, Dana Skalli, John Doggett and Monica Reyes and paranormal research. xeneticamentemutantes and insects that destroy global conspiracy of colonization alien Zemjatavid is surprising, humorous and sometimes frightening series created by Chris Carter was one of the most popular in the world of sci-fi / drama program from its humble beginnings in 1993, the Exposure also cause two films, X-Files movie in 1998 and I want to believe back in 2008. Znachisedatto enjoy the fascinating world of the X-Files. All nine seasons of The X-Files is available on DVD! And hundreds of books written about the show. Emmy Awards 2001 – Up Great for a serieao episode DeadAlive 2000 – Makeup Excellent for a series for the episode Theef – are excellent mix zadramska series for the first episode of Person Shooter – Outstanding special visual effects for a series for the first episode of Person Shooter 1999 – a great makeup for aseries dvaAytsy episodes / A fillo1998 – Best Art Direction for a number of series of Prometheus postmodern – Better camera editing episode slikiSerija kill switch 1997 – Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series by Gillian Anderson – art direction great for an episode of Memento Mori – excellent sound editing for a series of Tempus Fugit 1996 episode – Guest Actor in a Drama Series for Peter Boyle last episode in KlajdBrackman concepts – in large asobyDasyagnenneWriting for a Drama Series for Darin Morgan concepts finale for Klayd Brakman – chegarpersonalidades prominent film series episode grotesque – individual accomplishment highlighted in sound editing for a series of individual accomplishment epizoda- Nice featured in sound mixing for a Drama Series Nice for the episode in 1994 – individual works featured in campodeseño graphic and title sequence for the X-Files Golden Globes 1998 – Best TV series (Drama) 1997 BetterActor Performance in a TV Series (Drama) DejvidDuhovno – Best Actress in a TV Series (Drama), Gillian Anderson – Best TV Series (Drama) 1995 – Best TV series (drama), March 2015anunciouse that the show will come back the limited series 6 episode with spiritual and Anderson continued his role after 13 years hiatus. Chris Carter on board to write and produce these episodes. Season 10 began airing on January 24, 2016 Read more concert discussion mk can pradovzhanydlyaconsecutive seasons due to the success of the season