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Virtual DJ is a virtual console for DJs. Despite the large number of tools it provides, it is easy to use and is a perfect cross between consumer and professional product for DJ.
All the best tool for DJ
Virtual DJ is mixing for music, but it is also ideal program for remixing, with integrated sampler and effects. With the full version you can boot a ton of songs that perfectly complement its musical arsenal.
Virtual DJ has five differentVersions to suit the needs and possibilities for all types of users, from the beginner to the professional DJ.
It provides many independent decks (depending on the release), pitch control, EQ, effects, leveling algorithms, beat matching, vdarylyblokuvannya engine, and dozens of other tools.
Intuitive interface
Virtual DJ console in your reach. Mixing music without physical interfacekan will be difficult, but there are many controllers on the market compatible with VirtualDJ.
However, some restrictions should be borne in mind:
LE-Versiya of Virtual DJ, you can only use, the control was complete
-Home version, you can create a controller that you want to use, but it will only work 10 minutes per session. After this time you need to disconnect it on your computer and connect once to be gebruikennog.
Controller Pro Fullversion has no restrictions.
Vybyratyversiya tailored to your needs
If you already have oneLittle mixed, then Virtual DJ House is the perfect choice for you. It is free but very well equipped, and is the perfect way to see if the program is the right choice for you.
If you have experience, it might be a good idea to start with Virtual DJ LE, which is included with controllers external sound cards for PCs and Mac.Obmezhennya compared to other publications, it is a good choice to take the basics of learning .
Finally, there are three paid(Virtual DJ Pro Basic and Pro Full), with the exception of hardware support and display management. To see the exact differences between the five versions, please see the complete table on the ground Atomix.
All console pidhodytdlya
If you are a beginner DJ, Virtual DJ console is to try. This is a good exampleQuality combined with ease and completeness; It is rare to find a free DJ with so many features.
VirtualDJ can count on a very active community, which is about the official forum.
If you already have experience and shukayetealternatyvy is virtualDJ console for any requirement. Quality, performance and ease of use are with “only professionals” (Torq example).
If you could be MixVibes Cross DJ that is particularly well suited to the old school tradition and you are used to mixing with analog instruments the best suitable alternative for digital console shells.